Flat Rate Training Program

We’ve heard from our Network companies that it would be appreciated if we simplified the offerings, and the pricing, for our in-demand training programs. The good news is we’ve listened.


The OEOC provides a wide range of custom in-company training programs. However we recognize that sometimes having a simple menu of options is what works best. The flat rate training program allows you to pick from a slate of great training programs, that can be brought to your company for a simple full day or half day rate.

Building your training program is easy.

If you need assistance in building your flat-rate training program OEOC staff are happy to help.

Email us at oeoc@kent.edu or call 330-672-3028.

As always, member companies of the OEOC's Employee Owned Network receive further discounts on the rate


Full and Half Day Prices Below Assume one OEOC Instructor and include

Additional Costs

Extra days and/or instructors, extensive travel and or customization will incur additional cost.

Flat Rates

Full Day

Network Members


Non-Network Members


Half Day

Network Members


Non-Network Members


Training Modules

Choose from the following menu of items to fill your Full or Half Day Traning


Contact the OEOC at oeoc@kent.edu or call 330-672-3028.

2024 Sponsors

Platinum Level Sponsor
Platinum Level Sponsor
Gold Level Sponsor
Gold Level Sponsor
Gold Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor